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ConnectCNC Port Settings
DNC / file transfer settings for Fanuc 18  

Set the following parameters on the machine:

0000 00000010
0020 0
0100 0
0101 10000001
0102 0
0103 9 (2400)
TV Check 0 (off)
Punch code 1 (ISO)
I/O Channel 0

To set the CNC up for drip feed:
Set "Tape mode" on.
Send the program from the computer, then press Cycle Start on the Fanuc.
To pause dripfeed, turn the Feedrate override to 0%.

Set ConnectCNC as follows:

Common Settings
Name Fanuc 18
Baudrate 2400 (or to match CNC setting)
Data bits 7
Stop bits 2
Parity Even
Flow control Xon/Xoff
Xon Char. 17
Xoff char. 19
Port as available

Send Settings
Header String  
Trailer String  
End of Line Sequence
Recognize custom EOL  
Check "%" character Checked. This control requires a "%" at the beginning and end of your programs.
Skip empty lines Checked
Skip line numbers user's choice
Skip non printable bytes user's choice
Skip comments check "(...)" if required
Default folder Folder in which you store this machine's programs
Start transfer delay user's choice

Receive Settings
Header String  
Trailer String  
End of Line Sequence
Recognize custom EOL  
Replace (checked) 13,10
Check "%" character Checked. This control requires a "%" at the beginning and end of your programs.
Skip empty lines Checked
Skip line numbers user's choice
Skip non printable bytes user's choice
Skip comments check "(...)" if required
Default folder Folder in which you store this machine's programs
Start transfer delay user's choice

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Cable Pin Out for RS232 COMM port

Cable pinout for connecting Fanuc 16m

Sometimes file transfer will not run, even if all the settings are correct. Go to this page for solutions.
If you get a message that the port configurations are not saved, see this page for the solution.

Once you have ConnectCNC and your CNC machines communicating, we strongly suggest you take the following precautions:
- Download some programs, the longer the better, from your CNC to the pc. Save them under a temporary filename so you don't overwrite the original files. Examine them for errors such as dropped or changed text.
Do this for the first few programs that you use.

These settings have been collected from users of our software and machine tool distributers. We have listed them to help users of ConnectCNC to communicate between their computers and CNC controls.
Since we have no control over the many variables involved, including such things as cable conditions, modifications to machines, condition of computer hardware, etc., we take no responsibility for any damage caused to programs or machines through the use of this software.

Need a g-code editor? ConnectCNC is also bundled with EditCNC.