G-code file transfer and DNC software


Backup ConnectCNC Port Settings

You can make a backup of the port configurations.

In your Windows Explorer (or click "My Computer"), navigate to the EditCNC or ConnectCNC folder:
"C:/Program Files/CNC Consulting/EditCNC/"
"C:/Program Files/CNC Consulting/ConnectCNC/"
Copy the file "port.cfg" to any removable medium to save it.
If you need to reinstall the software at any time, just copy port.cfg into the appropriate folder.

System requirements:
Any computer with Windows95(32 bit), 98, ME, 2000 XP, NT, Vista, Win7 & 8 (32 or 64 bit).
ConnectCNC requires at least one serial COM port, or USB/RS232c port converter. © CNC Consulting inc. 2011-2016